Check-in to foursquare in one tap. A quick, simple alternative to swarm.
Sometimes you just want to check-in to Foursquare and move on. Simple check-in allows you to do just that.
Want a feature? Get in touch: @rathboma on twitter
- one touch check-ins
- still earn coins and mayorships!
- Long press to check-in with a shout and share to Facebook / Twitter
- includes a map view so you can tell if your location is correct
- custom venue search (press the search button)
- app opens instantly to the foursquare nearby venue list
- all check-ins from the app are shared with friends but NOT posted to twitter or facebook
- No ads (there never will be)
If you have any issues with the app, please email me so that I can fix them. There's no function for me to contact you if you leave a bad review. I find squishing bugs very relaxing! (you can also tweet me: @rathboma)
This app supports android 2.1 and up. It should allow you to foursquare check-in with no problems on even the oldest phones.
I've designed this app to be FAST on new and old phones
Simple Checkin in the Press:
About Foursquare:
'Foursquare' is a trademark of Foursquare Labs Inc. Simple Check-in is not affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by Foursquare Labs in any way.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">入住在一个水龙头四方。一个快速,简单的替代蜂拥而上。
- 一触入住手续
- 还赚金币和市长职位!
- 长按可办理入住手续,有呼叫,并分享到Facebook / Twitter的
- 包括地图视图,以便可以判断你的位置是正确的
- 自定义的搜索地点(按搜索按钮)
- 应用立即打开到附近的四方场地清单
- 从应用程序的所有签入与朋友共享,但不会发布到Twitter或Facebook
- 没有广告(也永远不会)
如果您在使用应用程序的任何问题,请发邮件给我,这样我可以解决这些问题。有没有功能我,如果你离开一个差评与您联系。我发现虫子压扁非常轻松! (你也可以鸣叫我:@rathboma)
此应用程序支持Android 2.1及更高版本。它应该让你Foursquare的检查,在连上最古老的手机没有任何问题。
“四方”为四方Labs公司简单入住的商标没有关联,赞助,或以任何方式通过Foursquare的实验室认可。</div> <div class="show-more-end">